CMC Trail Maps App
All CMC trail maps are available to download to smartphones and tablets for free at Avenza Maps. Search for individual maps by name or get them all by searching for Catskill Mountain Club Trails Map Bundle.
Using the free Avenza Maps App for iPhone, Android or Windows smartphone or tablet you can follow your route as you hike the trails built by the Catskill Mountain Club: Palmer Hill Trail, Shavertown Trail, Andes Rail Trail and Bullet Hole Spur, Delhi Trails, Bramley Mountain Trail and Ashokan Quarry Trail. You can always have these maps with you, see your location, record your route, mark waypoints, geotag photos, measure distances and more. You must be connected to the internet to acquire the maps, but once you have downloaded maps to your device, there is no need for an internet or cell phone signal.
Features of the PDF Maps app include
View, zoom and pan maps using gestures (pinch, drag and flick, double tap)
View your location on a map using the built-in GPS device
Plot placemarks, add position and label names, enter attribute data and notes
Track real-time movement with GPS (includes speed and elevation statistics) – save, export and import tracks (as KML)
Use the compass to view true or magnetic north (iPad and iPhone only)
View the coordinates of the current position and of any placemark and open it in the Maps or Google Maps app
For more information about the Avenza Maps app, visit their website. To download the free app, click here.
NYNJTC maps of the Catskills are available for purchase through the map store. You can buy individual Trail Conference maps or get the new, whole Catskills map (including an extended coverage area) so you never need to know whether the trail you are planning to hike is on map 142 or 143! Find the NYNJTC maps by selecting New York-NewJersey Trail Conference from the vendor drop down. You can limit the NYNJTC results further by typing Catskills in the keyword search box.
NOTE: Relying on electronic devices alone for navigation is risky due to possible loss of power and/or satellite communication. It is good practice to carry and know how to use a map and compass. This important skill can save your day, and even your life.