Monday, May 27, 8:30 AM - Campbell Mt. maintenance

The FLTC and CMC trail crews will be doing maintenance on the Campbell Mtn. trail in the Delaware Wild Forest on Monday, May 27. Yeah I know it's Memorial Day, so if you have a life we understand. We'll be working hard to control the prickers before they get out of control. Of course, we'll do whatever blowdown removal, pruning, lopping, etc. that we encounter.We have tools to lend if you don't have a favorite. Bring plenty of water and lunch.No dogs due to the danger of injury. Hope you can make it.Where: Take SR 28/30 west out of Margaretville. Drive 3.4 miles to the left/south turn onto SR 30 and follow it 20 miles to the intersecton with SR 206. Turn south about 2.1 miles to the P.A. on the right. From Downsville, travel east on SR30/206 about 2.5 miles to the intersection of SR 206 and SR 30. Turn south about 2.1 miles to the P.A. on the right.


Saturday, June 1, 11 AM - Andes Rail Trail Celebration on National Trails Day


Request for Volunteers