Sunday, February 7th | Gorgeous ALDER LAKE and Beaver Meadow Hike
If you just like being out in the winter snow this will be one of your favorite hikes. Rambling up and down, old stone ruins, a gorgeous lake and a trek to Beaver Meadow and Shelter. This is a wonderful hike or snowshoe. Can be a little strenuous, but we go at a good pace. Bring poles and microspikes( snowshoes just in case, as last year they were essential!!!) Plan to bring warm drinks, water and snacks. Dress in warm layers, may want to have handwarmers. This is a regular club hike for the winter, and we always have a great time! Limited registration open ten days before hike. MUST leave a reachable phone number and full name, please. NO EMAIL or registration after Friday at 6:30 pm. Contact Deanna at or call at 845 216-2021.Call for meeting time and place.Do note POOR WEATHER will cancel this Catskill Hike. (Call between 7-8 evening before hike for poor weather decisions). SNOW DATE will be given if cancelled.…Come join the FUN!Directions: From the south/west the best access is from Livingston Manor. Take old RT. 17 to County Road 151/152, known as Johnson/Beaverkill Road. This will become County Rd 54.From the North take Barkaboom Road past Big Pond to CR 54. At CR 54 turn left and head NE.Once on CR 54, all will travel until reaching Turnwood. Here CR 54 MAKES A LEFT turn North and becomes Alder Creek Road. Travel a few miles until road ends at Cross Mountain Rd. near the Alder Lake parking lot, which is closed in winter. Turn right and park on the shoulder of the access road.