The Catskills 4 Seasons 140
& The Catskills Grid 420

The “Grid” and the “4 Seasons” peakbagging programs were founded by the now disbanded Rip van Winkle Hikers with the purpose of recognizing hikers who have achieved remarkable peakbagging goals. The CMC has agreed to sponsor the continuation of these programs in honor of the Rips’ long service to the Catskills hiking community and to their maintenance of Catskills trails, and in honor of the hikers who have achieved these lofty goals.

The Catskills 4 Seasons 140 program requires hikers to summit each of the 35 High Peaks in each of the four seasons. Similarly, the Catskills Grid 420 requires summiting each of those 35 mountains in each of the 12 months.

Qualifying hikes must be accomplished during designated calendar seasons and months. They may be done in any order and previously documented hikes may be counted for meeting the qualifications. Detailed records of when hikes are made, recording routes and dates, should be kept. Trails should be used where available in order to promote environmental sustainability by protecting rare plant communities and wildlife habitat from damaging use. We encourage use of well established unofficial paths when trails are not available. Hikes occurring during any closures of specific trails or lands by the NYSDEC for any reason will not be accepted as qualifying hikes. When all requirements are met, applicants should fill out and submit via email or post their hike records form and a signed statement attesting that they have met all qualifying requirements.

Membership in the CMC is required before awards will be made. Your dues help defray administrative expenses and support our programs and work on behalf of the Catskill Park and region. You can learn more about the club here. You can pay the CMC’s annual membership dues by mail or by clicking here. You will receive CMC membership materials, including the club patch and membership card plus the patch and certificate for the program you have completed. Qualifying members names will be posted on this page.

For more information, contact us.

Happy hiking!

How to apply

Download the relevant tally sheet (PDF/Word.doc) and application (Word.doc), complete and email or print, complete and mail to:

Catskill Mountain Club
PO Box 404
Margaretville, NY 12455

Congratulations to all
Catskills Grid 420 Finishers!


#1 Bob Consadine

#2 Dave Galvin

#3 Connie Scuitto x2

#4 Harry Rampe

#5 Alvin Beuchele

#6 Ralph Ryndak

#7 Donna Wamsley

#8 Jim Bouton x2

#9 Julie Ebert

#10 Ellen Dwyer

#11 Mike Dwyer x2

#12 Edna Blanchfield

#13 Juanita Wilsey

#14 Moira Colangelo

#15 Patrick Colangelo

#16 Marguerite Munch-Weber

#17 Jack Sexton

#18 George Dudar

#19 George Kugler

#20 Ron Cusmano

#21 Rick Taylor x2

#22 Steve Emanuel x3

#23 Mike Siudy x2

#24 Laurie Rankin


#25 Wae Dany Davis

#26 Linda VanSteenberg

#27 Valerie Schaff

#28. Marvin Freedman

#29 Rob Stewart

#30 Ted Shemella

#31 Charlie Lutomski

#32 Tom Martone

#33 Laura Sanford

#34 Scott Baker

#35 Terri Baker

#36 John Fellows

#37 John Berringer

#38 Tonda Highley

#39 Andrew VanderPoel

#40 Joe Ferri x2

#41 Tim Bender x2

#42 Margaret McGrath

#43 Peter Manning

#44 Wayne Ouderkirk

#45 Shari Aber x2

#46 Yong Ae Moehs

#47 Ken Posner

#48 John Susko


#49 Mark Petrie

#50 Shirley Happy Lisa Kim

#51 Diane Linenbroker

#52 Harold Oakhill

#53 Jason Pelton

#54 Susan Vidal

#55 Yana Levchinsky -Grimmond

#56 Peggy Wissler

#57 Mary Jockel

#58 Paul Tomasko

#59 Michael D’Angelo

#60 Lisa Gizzarelli-Drago

#61 Erica Pellegrino

#62 Barbara Dyer

#63 Philip Vondra

#64 Albert Thompson

#65 Joe Limone

#66 Patricia Johnson

#67 Mike Colwell

#68 Ron Roberts

#69 Yanny Hecht

#70 Tracy Little

#71 Siu Samantha Yuen


Congratulations to all
Catskills 4 Seasons 140 Finishers!


Shari Aber

Terri Baker

Scott Baker

James Barnshaw

Gardiner “Tad” Barone

John Barringer

Barbara Beatrice

Tim Bender

Jonas Bers

Jim Bouton

Jessica Breslin

Bryan Burnham

Joe Chenier

Roberta Clements

Michael Colwell

John Costello

Ed DeSalvio

Ellen Dwyer

Michael Dwyer

Barbara Dyer

Stephen Emanuel

John Fellows

Joseph Ferri

Jeff Fritzinger

Lisa Gizzarelli-Drago

Cheryl Goffman

Peter Greweling

Sue Hall

David Hayes

Yanny Hecht

Tonda Highley


Kyle Holden

Mary Jockel

Keith Johnson

Patricia Johnson

Mark Jones

Sue Jordan

Shirley Happy Lisa Kim

Kevin Kumerle

Yana Levchinsky-Grimmond

Steven Lercari

Joe Limone

Diane Linenbroker

Tracy Little

Charles Lutomski

Peter Manning

Tom Martone

Margaret McGrath

Nancy Melahn

Erica Miranda

Izzy Miranda

Ruby Miranda

Yong Ae Moehs

Denise Mongillo

Harold Oakhill

Jeff Oliveri

Wayne Ouderkirk

Timothy Owney

Erica Pellegrino

Jason Pelton x2

Luna Pelton

Mark Petrie


Wendy Porter

Ryan Raaum

Laurie Rankin

Ron Roberts

Laura Sanford

Valerie Schaff

Jack Sexton

Ted Shemella

Mike Siudy x 2

Laura Smith

Francine Snyder

Rob Stewart

John Susko

JD Szalla

Kristen Taylor

Rick Taylor

Albert Thompson

Paul Tomasko

Luanne Vallese

Linda VanSteenberg

Andrew VanderPoel

Susan Vidal

Philip Vondra

Lyn Walker

Donna Wamsley

Juanita Wilsey

Chrystal Wilson

Tom Wilson

Siu Samantha Yuen