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Today’s communications continue to rely heavily on emails. With increasing email use comes more filters to help sort incoming emails. Sometimes emails that have many recipients, like newsletters, may be sorted into bulk email, junk, or other non-primary folders.
To help ensure you continue receiving emails from us, please add info@catskillmountainclub.org to your contact list.If you find an email from info@catskillmountainclub.org in your spam or junk folder, your email provider likely includes the option to mark emails as “not junk.” The program will recognize the email address as a Safe Sender. This can also help ensure you get emails from this address in the future.While email programs vary in how to add new contacts to your list, it’s usually straightforward. For example, Outlook typically includes a “People” icon and clicking it changes your view to all your contacts. Clicking the “plus” sign enables contacts to be added. In Gmail, clicking on the icon with the nine dots arranged in a square (usually in the upper right) will open the drop-down menu that includes Contacts.Thank you.
Catskill Visitor Center now renting hiking traction aids
Safety First: Catskill Visitor Center is Renting Crampons
Winter hiking in the Catskills requires preparedness. While the ground outside your door may seem fine for regular hiking footwear, the trails could tell a different story. You can buy or rent crampons from the Catskills Visitor Center.
CVC winter hours (Dec - March) / Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon / 9:30am - 4pm
Smith Pond Trail Temporarily Closed
The Smith Pond Trail is closed until further notice. Due to a construction project that will address drainage issues near Rte. 28, the trailhead to the Smith Pond Trail is being used as a staging area. As soon as the work allows, the trail will be reopened. For those who are working on the CMC Hiking Trails Challenge, the requirement to hike the Smith Pond Trail is temporarily suspended. You may submit applications without hiking this trail. After we announce its reopening, It will be required hiking again for new applicants. Thanks for your cooperation.
Groomed Cross Country Trails at Delhi Golf Course
The enjoyment of classic cross-country skiing is greatly enhanced by skiing on a groomed surface. These conditions are made possible by proper grooming equipment to prepare the snow. Fortunately, SUNY Delhi College has acquired a specialized utility vehicle with snow treads and a classic track setter. The result is a quality trail system at the college’s Golf Course, which is open to the public at no cost. David DeForest, Assistant Professor in Applied Sciences, is the leading force in maintaining the trails each winter. The trails begin at the Bluestone Pub and Restaurant at the foot of Scotch Mountain Road (off Arbor Hill Road). There are about four miles of trails with easy and intermediate loops. They are situated in a peaceful setting that includes two crossings of the Little Delaware River and great views of Bell Hill. Complete grooming of the trail system takes about three hours, while re-grooming is also conducted to keep the surface and tracks clean and firm. This promotes the skiing experience because the recessed tracks allow the skier to look around, enjoy the scenery, and maintain good form, instead of trudging through snow.read more
High Use Issues Have Been Rising in the Catskills
April 18, 2021 Usage of the Catskill Park and its facilities has grown tremendously for the past several years. During the pandemic of 2020-21, the growth only increased as folks everywhere turned to the great outdoors for a safe space to seek recreation. As the pandemic winds down, we anticipate a sustained increase in Park visitorship and in use of our trails, other infrastructure and wild places throughout the Catskills.The rise in usage has resulted in crowded parking lots, illegal roadside parking and an exponential increase in garbage being left behind by park visitors at high use areas like Kaaterskill Falls, Kaaterskill Clove and Colgate Lake. To help mitigate these problems, parking regulations have been expanded and strictly enforced. Dozens of volunteers have been helping park staff and trail stewards clean up after the heavy traffic of weekend visits. Please be responsible and pack out what you pack into these beautiful natural environments.Another effect of increased usage is seen on the trails themselves. Foot beds are widening far beyond the acceptable width, trampling adjacent plant life and contributing to erosion. Hikers should stay on the trail, avoid walking side-by-side and pass other hikers carefully, yielding where possible and maintaining single file at all times. It is up to us to protect the Catskills wilderness and preserve it for future generations. To do so, it is important that we cooperate in practicing sustainable use that benefits us all.Always follow Leave No Trace principles when recreating in conserved natural places wherever you go.
How to hike safely now
There's danger out in nature too - ticks are serious business ...read more
SUNY Delhi Students Work on the Bulldog Trails at Delaware Academy
SUNY Delhi students volunteered with the CMC to join in Community Service Day activities in Delhi. Part of the Village of Delhi Bicentennial celebration, the crew worked on maintenance of the Bulldog Trails on Delaware Academy lands. The day's vols were 4-year veterans of the CMC/SUNY Delhi collaboration. We are so proud to work with these great students on a project that serves the Delhi and Catskills hiking communities.
Work at the Delhi Trails
April 21, 2021 This past year has been a time change for the Delhi Trails. First, a logging operation began that forced the closing of the northern section of the Gribley Trail last fall and was then suspended for winter. It will resume soon. Watch for an announcement of the temporary closing of the trail.Second, the southern section of the Smith Pond Trail was closed due to the wishes of the private landowner, who had previously permitted it. We are currently working on a rerouting that will include two sections. One section will return to the Smith Pond kiosk on Rt. 28. A spur will connect to the parking lot at the Immanuel Lutheran Church. Hikers will be able to hike a loop and return to either of the parking areas. (Please do not park in the church lot during Sunday services.) Overflow parking is available at the Sheldon Drive parking lot on the north side of Delaware Academy.Third, later this year we will reroute part of the Gribley Trail so that the hiking trail is not co-aligned with the snowmobile trail. By doing so, we will create a safer and better experience for snowmobilers and for hikers.Happy Hiking.
CMC WIll Resume In-person Events Schedule on May 1st
CMC Comments on Proposed Pumped Storage Project in the Catskill Park
An Unacceptable Proposal
While we support all responsible efforts to create alternative means of producing electric energy, those efforts must take into account the effects on communities and on conserved areas that are vital to the ecological health and well being of our planet. The Catskill Park, America's First Wilderness, is such a place. Established by New York State and protected by the state constitution as “forever wild', it deserves and must receive the highest degree of protection possible. The Premium Energy project would cause permanent and irreparable harm, and, therefore, it must be rejected.It is the CMC's opinion that the proposal is without merit and that FERC should deny the application. We encourage individual citizens; to express their opposition by posting a comment with FERC by using this link: https://ferconline.ferc.gov/QuickComment.aspx. Comments are due no later than April 12.For more information, you can read comments by the Town of Olive and from other sources here: https://town.olive.ny.us/news/ferc-proposal-for-the-ashokan-pumped-storage-hydro-facility/
VIDEO: Ashokan Pumped Storage Project Informational Meeting by the Town of Olive
New Requirements for the 4 Seasons and Grid Programs Begin March 21st
March 12, 2021 Beginning on March 21st, the first day of spring, the requirements for completing the 4 Seasons 140 and Catskills Grid 420 programs will reflect the closure of Doubletop and Graham Mountains to public access by replacing them with Dry Brook Ridge (3465') and Mill Brook (Ridge) Mountain (3465'), respectively. Both replacements are only 35' lower than the official high peaks and are in the same Western Catskills region as Doubletop and Graham. Unlike the trailless peaks they replace, both Mill Brook Mountain and Dry Brook Ridge can be traversed on trails. By adopting them for our program, we have chosen to avoid encouraging increased hiking on other trailless peaks. Our choice also aligns the new requirements with those of the Catskills All Trails Challenge.After March 20th, hikes to the summit of South Doubletop will no longer qualify for the Catskills 4 Seasons 140 program. In no event should any hiker climb either Doubletop or Graham Mountains as they are on private property and have been closed to the public by the landowner, effective January 14th. Trespassers are subject to prosecution.
Smith Pond Trail section closed and a Delhi Trails change in permitted use.
Recent Updates to the Catskills All Trails Challenge Tally Sheet
February 10, 2021 The NYS DEC has recently opened the Red Hill Fire Tower Trail, a 1.4 mile addition that is combined with an older 0.6 mile section of trail to lead to the fire tower from Denning Road. The remainder of the the old trail from Dinch Road, 0.8 miles from the intersection, has been named the Dinch Road Connector.Earlier, the DEC incorporated an old snowmobile trail into the Vernooy Kill Falls Trail, increasing its length to 3.5 miles. There is a small trailhead in Greenville in addition to the one on Upper Cherrytown Rd.
Catskills All Trails Challenge Update
December 19. 2020 We're adding a trail section to the list of required hikes! The Vernooy Kill Falls Trail was extended by DEC to be coaligned with the snowmobile trail that goes from Vernooy Falls to Greenville. The section is about 1.8 miles long and there is a small parking area at the Greenville trailhead. The trail is an easy hike and is marked Red. We will update the documents on the CMC webpage.
Doubletop and Graham Mountains are Closed to Public Access
January 14. 2021 Please note that both Doubletop and Graham Mountains are now closed to public access effective immediately.The private landowners have generously allowed public access for many years. They have decided that recent trends of increased usage by hikers are having a significant negative effect on the wilderness character and ecology of these trailless mountains. Due to their long held concerns for conservation of wilderness, they will end access for all members of the public. As of today, hikers who encroach on these private lands will be in violation of laws against trespass and subject to enforcement measures, including arrest.Our Catskills Grid and Catskills 4 Seasons programs will designate changes to the required peaks in concert with the decisions made by the Catskill 3500 Club for their list of qualifying hikes. Those new designations should be finalized and available in a few weeks. As of today, no future hikes of either Graham or Doubletop will be accepted as qualifying hikes for the CMC's two programs.
Announcing a Temporary Partial Closure on the Delhi Trails
Andes Rail Trail gets some love....
"The Andes rail-trail in its four short miles offered me beauty, quiet, history, and it made me laugh."Thank you, Susan Barnett and Hudson Valley One for this wonderful article on the Andes Rail Trail and Bullet Hole Spur.Click on the first page, below, to see the whole article. Here thanks to permission from Susan Barnett.
CMC Announces Three New Hiking Programs with Patches
October 6, 2020 The CMC is excited to add three new hiking programs that, when completed, will earn qualifiers a beautiful embroidered patch and a certificate commemorating their achievement.
In honor of opening the sixth trail built by the CMC since 2012, we are founding a new hiking program for hikers who qualify by hiking each of the trails built by the club. (A seventh trail will open in 2021, but hikers are free to apply based on completing each of the existing six.) These trails have been designed to appeal to most hikers, both novice and expert. They are on some of the most beautiful lands in the Catskills, are easy to moderate in difficulty and are located near major highways and villages.
Two of these programs are being adopted by the CMC, which will assume sponsorship of the Catskills 4 Seasons 140 and the Catskills Grid 420 programs from the Rip van Winkle Hikers. After decades of service to the Catskills which included organizing hikes, maintaining trails and working through membership in the Catskill Park Coalition to bring our issues to Albany, the Rips decided to dissolve the club as of the end of 2019. Among their legacies are these two hiking programs that have earned the respect of serious hikers in our regio
n. The CMC is proud to ensure that these programs will continue into the future.
Find out more about these programs, about the Catskills All Tails Challenge and about each of the trails on their pages on the CMC website. Note: Previous 4 Seasons qualifiers can receive the newly redesigned patch free of charge by contacting the CMC at info@catskillmountainclub.org.
Summer 2020 Newsletter
The Summer edition of the CMC News is available here. Check it out for stories about Volunteers, summer in the woods, news about the Club and about recreational opportunities in the Catskills region.
A Guide to the CMC Trails 2nd Edition is available now!
August 8, 2020 The 2nd Edition of the Guide to Catskill Mountain Club Trails has just been published. You can find it at the trailheads, at the Catskills Visitor Center and at several area merchants.
In the Guide you will find maps, descriptions and trailhead locations for all of the trails. Updated information for the Morris Hill Trail, which is still under construction, will be in an upcoming revision.
To view and download the Guide, click this link.
Note: For best results use 11" x 14" paper.