Hike the Huckleberry Loop, Sunday September 17, 9AM
Enjoy a day in the Western Catskills by hiking the complete Huckleberry Loop Trail, a distance of 12.8 miles. Rated as difficult, this loop hike will begin at the Hill Road Parking Area and will proceed counter clockwise until again reaching Hill Road in approximately eight hours.Registration is required. Please contact Al Purdy at Albertpurdy1@aol.com or (845) 489-2332 by September 15. Participants need to bring lunch, snacks, plenty of water/ beverages, a flashlight or headlamp, and sturdy hiking boots. Dogs are not permitted on this hike. Severe weather will postpone the hike.To reach the Hill Road Trailhead from the east, take State Route 28/30 1.9 mi. miles west from Fair St. Margaretville and turn left, following the signs for the Hill Road Trailhead. From the west, take State Route 28/30 east 1.2 miles from the junction of State Routes 28 & 30 at Dunraven and turn right, then following the signs for the Hill Road Trailhead. The GPS Coordinates for the Hill Road Trailhead are 42.116056, -74.646553.
Hiking, paddling, bike riding and other outdoor recreational activities are potentially dangerous and could result in injury or even death. This website provides information about recreation in the Catskill Region, but persons using this resource are responsible for anticipating possible dangers and appraising their physical ability.
Other Catskill Region Events
Don't see a scheduled event that works for you? Try the schedules of these other Catskill area hiking clubs and organizations.Rip Van Winkle Hikers We are sorry to report that the Rips disbanded in January 2020. Over their history they provided a great assortment of hikes in the region and maintained several trails in the Catskill Park.The Rip Van Winkle Hikers Club was organized in February 1991 "to promote and foster interest in the sport of hiking". Hikes range from the more challenging to the purely scenic or historical, including in the Catskill high peaks and in the Hudson Valley.
Catskill 3500 Club The Catskill 3500 Club was founded in 1962 to foster interest in hiking in the Catskills. Membership is open to anyone who has climbed on foot each of the 35 Catskill peaks above 3500 feet in elevation. The club's schedule appears in their newsletter, The Canister.
New York-New Jersey Trail Conference The New York-New Jersey Trail Conference builds, maintains and protects 2,000 miles of trail in New York & New Jersey, including 29 lean-tos and over 200 miles of trails in the Catskills, by mobilizing volunteers. Learn more about Catskill programs and upcoming volunteer opportunities.
Triple Cities Hiking Club The Binghamton based Triple Cities Hiking Club has been active since 1947 in promoting access to hiking opportunities. Hikes are scheduled on most weekends throughout the year and range in degree of challenge from easy outings to very strenuous hikes, including in the Catskills.
Finger Lakes Trail Conference The FLTC was founded in 1962. It works in cooperation with its members and various organizations to develop and maintain a premier hiking trail system in New York. Learn more about the trail and find out how to help.
Fats in the Cats Bicycle Club The Fats in the Cats Bicycle Club, an IMBA Chapter, promotes cycling advocacy, trail building, trail maintenance and community service. Since 1994, the club has been advocating, stewarding and improving many of the best places to ride a mountain bike in New York’s Catskill Park and Hudson Valley Region. In addition, the club organizes group rides and gives away dozens of bikes to needy kids every holiday season.