CMC comments on NYSDEC draft amendment to the Bluestone W.F. UMP

Marck 1, 2014  -  The DEC is proposing to make several improvements in the Bluestone Wild Forest. They are:1) Construct and mark a new 2.5 mile mountain bike trail to be located within the Jockey Hill section of the unit.2) Update the official trail network of the unit by designating appropriate trails and re-routing or closing inappropriate trails.3) Manage Onteora Lake as a warm water recreational fishery.We believe that the changes proposed by the NYSDEC are all very positive, and will greatly enhance this tremendous resource in the eastern Catskill Mountain region. These proposed changes will benefit the user groups that frequent these lands and waters, and likely invite additional users. We feel that the changes proposed by the NYSDEC will adequately balance this use and the protection of the natural resources within the Blue Stone Wild Forest. 


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