Early start on trail maintenance

March 4, 2014  -  The trail maintenance season is coming soon, but some CMC members got a head start on it by doing trail work on the Big Pond to Alder Lake segment of the Touch-Me-Not Trail.   We were out in the snow putting up new trail markers and clearing some downed wood.   We’ll be back on this trail again to get the blackberries in the early summer.  We’ll be out building and maintaining trails in full force really soon.  We hope you’ll come and join us!trailMaintIMG_2713We thought we were busy as beavers until we spied this beaver's work on the way home from Alder Lake.beaverDamSectionIMG_2721 beaverDamIMG_2718


Temporarily Restricted Parking at Woodland Valley P.A. Beginning April 14


Think Spring and Cycling in the Catskills