Saturday August 8th, 2 pm, Hike the Andes Rail Trail and Bullet Hole Spur
Join the Catskill Mountain Club on an Andes Community Day walk on the Andes Rail Trail and Bullet Hole Spur. The hike begins at 2pm to give participants time to enjoy the parade, fun, food and other goings on around Andes for Community Day.The group will walk on the railbed portion of the trail and will then separate into two groups, one continuing on the Bullet Hole Spur and another returning to the trailhead.2 miles round trip for railbed only portion, 4 miles round trip for rail trail and Bullet Hole Spurt.No advanced registration necessary -- just show up at the trailhead on Cabin Hill Road at 2:00 pm.DIRECTIONS: Meet at the train depot on Cabin Hill Road/CR 2 just past the flashing red light in downtown AndesLearn more about the Trail